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Cognitive Skills Training (Truancy Focused)
What is Truancy Prevention
Leading Ladies of Tomorrow and Guiding Gentlemen of Tomorrow are evidence-based cognitive skills training programs focusing on Truancy Prevention that offers a psychoeducational group model where participants identify and explore topics serving as barriers to their academic success and personal growth.
Leading Ladies and Guiding Gentlemen utilizes an evidenced-based curriculum designed in the evidence-based principles of motivational interviewing and strengths-based approaches that target resiliency and protective factors to promote youth's safe and healthy passage through pre-teen and adolescent years.
How We Can Help
Increase school attachment
Decrease chronic absenteeism
Reduction of family factors
Reduction of school factors
Reduction of environmental factors
Reduction of student factors

Funding Accepted for Service
Evidence-Based Associates
Referrals can be made by calling (757) 998-2100 or by faxing a copy of the referral form to (757) 998-2101.