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Reentry / Vocational Training
What is Reentry / Vocational Training?
Reentry program supports youth and adults who serve time in out-of-home placements for their eventual return to the community. The goal of our reentry programs is to overcome some of the known challenges of transitioning individuals from institutional settings back into community settings while reducing their recidivism rates and ensuring public safety. QLCC focuses on changing individual's behavior and help them develop practical skill sets to prevent further delinquency and ensure their successful reentry into the community.
How We Can Help
• Increased self-awareness, self-advocacy, and self-accountability
• Improve work-readiness skills
• Improved decision making skills
• Improved goal setting skills
• Reducing recidivism

Funding Accepted for Service
Evidence-Based Associates
Referrals can be made by calling (757) 998-2100 or by faxing a copy of the referral form to (757) 998-2101.