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Substance Abuse
What is Substance Abuse?
Services are designed to help address identified treatment needs and factors related to substance abuse for individuals, families, and groups. QLCC substance abuse sessions provide instruction in motivation activities to not use drugs; skills in self-control, communication, and resource acquisition; and decision-making strategies. QLCC has found that linkage of multiple service environments with the family or guardians involved is critical to effective individual treatment.
How We Can Help
• Decreased alcoholism and substance abuse
• Improved coping skills
• Improved communication skills
• Alcohol Prevention and Treatment
• Cognitive-Behavioral Training
• Drug Prevention/Treatment

Funding Accepted for Service
Evidence-Based Associates
Referrals can be made by calling (757) 998-2100 or by faxing a copy of the referral form to (757) 998-2101.